Light therapy has been around for centuries, but more recently it has been receiving prominent attention from the scientific community in how it may be used to address a multitude of diseases and ailments. In the 1950s, scientists published research on how light therapy can be used to alleviate jaundice in infants, a now common practice used in all US hospitals. Later in the 1990s, NASA began researching light therapy as a tool to assist astronauts in their ventures to the Space Station. Since then, many studies demonstrate how light can be used to heal the body and mind, including light therapy’s ability to improve mitochondrial function, back pain, migraines, anxiety and depression, skin ailments, eyes, mental health, cancer, and more.

Our staff is currently researching these subjects and seeking to meet scientists studying the topics.

What we’ve been reading on the subject: (1) Elżbieta Ostańska, David Aebisher, Dorota Bartusik-Aebisher, The potential of photodynamic therapy in current breast cancer treatment methodologies, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 137, 2021, 111302, ISSN 0753-3322,; (2) Markowitz SN, Devenyi RG, Munk MR, Croissant CL, Tedford SE, Rückert R, Walker MG, Patino BE, Chen L, Nido M, Tedford CE. A DOUBLE-MASKED, RANDOMIZED, SHAM-CONTROLLED, SINGLE-CENTER STUDY WITH PHOTOBIOMODULATION FOR THE TREATMENT OF DRY AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION. Retina. 2020 Aug;40(8):1471-1482. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000002632. PMID: 31404033; PMCID: PMC7392581; (3) Gale GD, Rothbart PJ, Li Y. Infrared therapy for chronic low back pain: a randomized, controlled trial. Pain Res Manag. 2006 Autumn;11(3):193-6. doi: 10.1155/2006/876920. PMID: 16960636; PMCID: PMC2539004; and (4) Lisa A. House & Barry Walton (2018) The Effectiveness of Light Therapy for College Student Depression, Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 32:1, 42-52, DOI: 10.1080/87568225.2017.1321975.